
Terms and Conditions

Please note: The English language version of the Terms and Conditions are binding. The Chinese translation of the terms and conditions are provided solely as a convenience and are not the binding terms and conditions.

1. These terms

1.1 What these terms cover. These are the terms and conditions on which we offer the following services :
1.1 各條款的涵蓋範圍。 以下是我們提供服務的條款及細則:

a) arranging sponsored prayers and rituals to take place at a monastery/nunnery in India or Nepal (see terms for arranging sponsored prayers and rituals for specific details of this service, including payment terms);
a) 安排在印度或尼泊爾的寺院/尼寺院贊助祭頌與薈供(有關此項服務的具體細節,請參閱安排贊助祭頌與薈供的條款,包括支付條款);

b) provision of online viewing of special events at locations in India or Nepal and transfer of donations/dedications in respect of special events (see terms for provision of online viewing of special events for specific details of this service);
b) 在印度或尼泊爾以及世界各地提供線上觀看教學與特別活動的服務,並轉帳與教學和特別活動有關的供養和贊助(附加迴向)(有關此服務的詳情,請參閱提供線上觀看教學與特別活動的條款);

c) the Diamond Path service which provides for pre-arrangement of the traditional prayers, practices and rituals to be performed at the time of death at a monastery/nunnery in India or Nepal (see terms for the Diamond Path service for specific details of this service, including payment terms);
c) 金剛乘淨土契約服務,可預先在印度或尼泊爾的寺院/尼寺院安排傳統臨終所需的祈誦、修法和法會儀式(有關此服務的詳情,請參閱金剛乘淨土契約服務的條款 ,包括支付條款);

d) These terms and conditions also apply to the following gratis facilities which we may provisionally choose to offer or make available from time to time:
d) 這些條款及細則也適用於我方可能不定期選擇性臨時提供以下免費方案:

i) receiving and transferring donations to Sangha (see terms for donations to Sangha for specific details of this facility); and

ii) receiving, and transferring as appropriate, donations made in support of Gompa and the monasteries/nunneries (see terms for support of Gompa for specific details of this facility); and
ii) 接受贊助法會網—西藏寺院服務的捐款(有關此服務的詳情,請參閱贊助法會網的條款);以及

iii) on-demand access to past event webcasts (see terms for access to event webcasts in the library for specific details of this facility).
iii) 按需使用過去的傳法和特別活的影音檔案(有關此服務的詳情,請參閱使用法會網影音典藏中傳法和特別活動影音檔的條款)。

1.2 Why you should read them. Please read these terms carefully. These terms tell you who we are, how we will provide services to you, how you and we may change or end the contract, what to do if there is a problem and other important information. If you think that there is a mistake in these terms, please contact us to discuss.
1.2 您為何應該閱讀它們。 請仔細閱讀這些條款。 這些條款告訴您我方是誰、我們將如何向您提供服務、您與我方如何更改或終止合約、出現問題時該如何解決,以及其他重要信息。 如若您認為這些條款有錯誤,請與我們聯絡並予以討論。

2. Information about us and how to contact us
2. 關於我方的信息以及如何聯絡我們

2.1 Who we are. We are Tibetan Monastery Services Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 01756218 and our registered office is at Cooper House, Lower Charlton Estate, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5QE. We are a trading company wholly owned by the Orient Foundation for Arts and Culture, a charity registered in England and Wales with charity number 287817. We operate Gompa Tibetan Monastery Services as a public service, to foster connection between the monasteries/nunneries in India and Nepal and their followers internationally.
2.1 我方是誰。 我方是法會網—西藏寺院服務有限,一家在英格蘭和威爾斯註冊的公司。 我們的公司註冊號碼為 01756218,註冊辦事處位於 Cooper House, Lower Charlton Estate, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5QE。 我們是一家由東方藝文基金會獨資擁有的貿易子公司,東方藝文基金會是一家在英格蘭和威爾斯註冊的慈善機構,該基金會是一家在英格蘭和威爾斯註冊編號為287817的慈善機構,旨在促進與印度和尼泊爾的寺院/尼寺院與他們在各國信徒之間的聯繫。

2.2 How to contact us. You can contact us by writing to us at liaison[at]gompaservices.com or by any method mentioned on the 'Contact us' page on our website.
2.2 如何聯絡我方。 您可以透過 liaison[at]gompaservices.com 電郵給我們,或透過我們網站上‘與我們聯繫’頁面提到的任何方法與我們聯絡。

2.3 How we may contact you. If we have to contact you we will do so primarily by writing to you at the email address you provided to us. (Please adjust your spam / junk mail filters to allow messages from gompaservices.com.) If you have provided us with other contact information (such as telephone numbers, online service IDs, postal mailing addresses, etc), there may be occasions when we contact you by a method other than email, especially in urgent situations or as may be required by law.
2.3 我方會如何與您聯繫。 如若必須與您聯繫,我們將主要透過您提供給我們的電子郵件地址通知您。 (請調整您的垃圾信件過濾系統設定,允許收到來自mail[at]gompaservices.com 的信息。)如若您向我們提供了其他聯絡資訊(例如電話號碼、線上服務 ID、郵寄地址等),我方有時可能會透過電子郵件以外的方式與您聯繫,尤其是在緊急或依法可能要求的情況下。

2.4 “Writing” includes emails. When we use the words “writing” or “written” in these terms, this includes emails.
2.4 “書寫”包括電子郵件。 當我們在這些術語中使用“書面”或“書寫”一詞時,這包括電子郵件。

3. Our contract with you
3. 我方與您的合約

3.1 How we will accept your order. Our acceptance of your order will take place when we email you to accept it, at which point a contract will come into existence between you and us.
3.1 我方將如何接受您的訂單。 當我們向您發送接受訂單的電子郵件,即表示接受您的訂單,屆時您與我方之間簽訂的合約將會生效。

3.2 If we cannot accept your order. If we are unable to accept your order, we will inform you of this and will not charge you for the service.
3.2 如若我方無法接受您的訂單。 如若我方無法接受您的訂單,我們將通知您,並且不會向您收取服務費用。

4. Our services
4. 我們的各種服務

4.1 Any details of services provided by us on our website are designed to give a general description only. We will not be liable for any change in specification, but will ensure that any alterations will not compromise quality or suitability.
4.1 我們在網站上提供的任何服務詳情僅供一般描述。 我方不對規範內的任何變更承擔責任,但將確保任何變更不會損害品質或適用性。

4.2 You must not copy, download or view or attempt to copy, download or view a file in breach of the restrictions given in our order confirmation to you, or on our website and you must not allow anyone else to do so. You must not share your login details with any other person, or allow any other person to access recordings, except as described in our order confirmation to you, or on our website.
4.2 您不得複製、下載或檢視或試圖複製、下載或檢視違反我方向您發出的訂單確認函或我們網站上規定的限制的文件,且您不得允許其他任何人這樣做。 您不得與任何其他人分享您的登入詳細信息,或允許任何其他人使用影音檔,除非我方向您發送的訂單確認函或我們的網站上有特別說明。

5. Your rights to make changes
5. 您做出變更的權利

5.1 If you wish to make a change to the service you have ordered please contact us. We will let you know if the change is possible. If it is possible we will let you know about any changes to the price of the service, the timing of supply or anything else which would be necessary as a result of your requested change and ask you to confirm whether you wish to go ahead with the change. If we cannot make the change or the consequences of making the change are unacceptable to you, you may want to cancel the contract (see clause 8 - Your rights to cancel the contract).
5.1 如若您想更改您訂購的服務,請與我們聯繫。 如若可以進行變更,我方將會通知您。 如若可行的話,我們將告知您服務價格、供應時間或因您要求變更而需要的任何其他改變,並要求您確認是否願意繼續進行變更。 如若我方無法進行變更或您無法接受變更的後果,您可能會想要取消合約(請參閱第 8 條 - 您取消合約的權利)。

6. Our rights to make changes to these terms
6. 我方更改這些條款的權利

6.1 We may make changes to these terms and conditions or the specific terms applicable to the service you purchase from us. If we do so we will notify you and you may then contact us to cancel the contract before the changes take effect and receive a refund for any services paid for but not received.
6.1 我方可能會更改這些條款及細則,或適用於您從我方這裡購買服務的特定條款。 若是如此,我方將會通知您,然後您可以在更改生效之前與我們聯繫取消合約,並獲得任何已支付但尚未收到服務的退款。

7. Providing the services
7. 提供服務

7.1 When we will provide the services. During the order process we will let you know when we will provide the service to you. Please see the Terms which correspond to the service which you are purchasing for more details regarding when we will provide the service to you.
7.1 我方何時提供服務。 在訂購過程中,我們會告知您何時為您提供服務。 請參閱與您所購買的服務相對應的條款,以了解有關我們何時向您提供服務的更多詳情。

7.2 We are not responsible for delays outside our control. If our supply of a service is delayed by an event outside our control then we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and we will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay. Provided we do this we will not be liable for delays caused by the event, but if there is a risk of substantial delay you may contact us to cancel the contract and receive a refund for any service you have paid for but not received.
7.2 我方對超出我們控制範圍的延誤不承擔任何責任。若我方的服務供應因我們無法控制的事件而延遲,我們將盡快通知您,並且我們將採取措施盡量減少延遲的影響。 如若我們已然如此處理,我方將不對事件造成的延誤承擔責任,但如若存在嚴重延誤的風險,您可以與我們聯繫取消合約,並獲得任何已支付但尚未收到服務的退款。

7.3 What will happen if you do not give required information to us. We may need certain information from you so that we can supply the services to you, for example, your name and contact details. If so, this will have been stated in the description of the service on our website. If you do not give us this information when requested, or if you give us incomplete or incorrect information, we may either cancel the contract or make an additional charge of a reasonable sum to compensate us for any extra work that is required as a result. We will not be responsible for supplying the services late or not supplying any part of them if this is caused by you not giving us the information we need within a reasonable time of us asking for it.
7.3 如若您未向我方提供所需信息,將會發生何種情況。 我方可能需要您提供某些信息,以便我們向您提供服務,例如您的姓名和聯絡資訊。 如有必要,在我們網站上的服務描述中將會對此進行說明。 如若您未按要求向我方提供此信息,或是您向我方提供的信息不完整或不正確,我們可能會取消合約或收取合理的額外費用,以補償我方因此產生的任何額外工作量。 若因您未在我們要求的合理時間內向我方提供我們所需的資訊,因而導致延遲提供服務或無法提供任何部分服務,我方將不承擔責任。

7.4 Reasons we may delay, change or cancel a service you have paid for. We may have to delay, change or cancel a service:
7.4 我方可能延遲、更改或取消您已付費服務的原因。 我們可能不得不延遲、更改或取消服務:

a) to deal with technical problems or make minor technical changes; or
a) 處理技術問題或進行微小的技術改變; 或者

b) to update the services to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements; or
b) 更新服務以反映相關法律和監管要求的變更; 或者

c) due to service interruptions or unforeseen circumstances experienced by our partners.
c) 由於我們的合作夥伴所遇到的服務中斷或不可預見的情況。

7.5 Your rights if we significantly delay, change or cancel a service you have paid for. Whenever possible, we will contact you in advance to tell you we will be delaying, changing or cancelling a service you have paid for, unless the problem is urgent or an emergency. If we have to delay, change or cancel a service we may offer a partial or full refund.
7.5 如若我方大幅延遲、變更或取消您已付費的服務,關於您的權利。 只要有可能,我們就會提前聯絡您,告知您我方將延遲、變更或取消您已付費的服務,除非突發事件或緊急情況。 如若我方必須延遲、變更或取消服務,我們可能會提供部分或全額退款。

8. Your rights to cancel the contract
8. 您取消合約的權利

8.1 You can always end your contract with us. Your rights when you cancel the contract will depend on what you have bought, whether there is anything wrong with it, how we are performing and when you decide to cancel the contract:
8.1 您隨時可以終止與我方的合約。 您取消合約時的權利將取決於您訂購的商品是否有任何問題、我方履行的方式以及您決定取消合約的時間:

a) If what you have bought is faulty or misdescribed you may have a legal right to cancel the contract (or to get a service re-performed or to get some or all of your money back), see clause 11;
a) 如若您購買的商品有瑕疵或描述不實,您可能擁有取消合約(或重新執行服務或收回部分或全部款項)的合法權利,請參閱第 11 條;

b) If you want to cancel the contract because of something we have done or have told you we are going to d, see clause 8.2;
b) 如若您因為我方所做或已告知您我方將會做的事而想要取消合約,請參閱第 8.2 條

c) If you have just changed your mind about the service, see clause 8.3. You may be able to get a refund if you are within the cooling-off period, but this may be subject to deductions;
c) 如若您剛剛對該服務改變主意,請參閱第 8.3 條。 若尚在冷靜期內,您也許可獲得退款,但要求也可能會被駁回;

d) In all other cases (if we are not at fault and there is no right to change your mind), see clause 8.7.
d) 在所有其他情況下(如若我方無過錯且無權改變您的主意),請參閱第 8.7 條。

8.2 Cancelling the contract because of something we have done or are going to do. If you are cancelling a contract for a reason set out at a) to d) below the contract will end immediately and we will refund you in full for any products which have not been provided and you may also be entitled to compensation. The reasons are:
8.2 因我方所做或將要做的事而取消合約。 如若您因以下 a) 至 d) 中列出的原因取消合約,則合約將立即終止,任何您未被提供的服務我方將全額退款,而您可能還有權獲得賠償。原因包括:

a) we have told you about an upcoming change to these terms which you do not agree to;
a) 我方已告知您這些條款即將發生的變更,但您不同意;

b) we have told you about an error in the price or description of the service you have ordered and you do not wish to proceed;
b) 我方已告知您所訂購服務的價格或說明有誤,但您不希望繼續;

c) there is a risk that supply of the service may be significantly delayed because of events outside our control; or
c) 由於不可抗力因素,我們可能會出現嚴重延遲提供服務的風險; 或者

d) you have a legal right to cancel the contract because of something we have done wrong.
d) 由於我方不當的行為,您有合法取消合約的權利。

8.3 Exercising your right to change your mind (Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013). For most products bought online you have a legal right to change your mind within 14 days and receive a refund. These rights, under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013, are explained in more detail in these terms.
8.3 行使改變主意的權利(2013 年消費者合約條例)。 對於大多數線上購買的產品,您有在14 天內改變主意並獲得退款的合法權利。 這些條款根據《2013 年消費者合約條例》對這些權利進行了更詳細的解釋。

8.4 You have 14 days to change your mind in relation to the following services (and subject to clause 8.6 below):
8.4 對以下服務您有14天的時間改變主意(並遵守以下第 8.6 條):

a) arranging sponsored prayers and rituals to take place at a monastery/nunnery in India or Nepal (see terms for arranging sponsored prayers and rituals for specific details of this service);
a) 安排贊助在印度或尼泊爾的寺院/尼寺院舉行的祭頌與薈供(有關此服務的具體細節,請參閱安排贊助祭頌與薈供的條款);

b) provision of online viewing of special events at locations in India or Nepal and transfer of donations/dedications in respect of special events (see terms for provision of online viewing of special events for specific details of this service);
b) 在印度或尼泊爾以及世界各地提供線上觀看傳法和特別活動,以及轉帳與傳法和特別活動有關的供養與捐款(附加迴向)(有關此服務的具體細節,請參閱線上觀看傳法和特別活動的提供條款) ;

c) receiving and transferring donations to Sangha (see terms for donations to Sangha for specific details of this service); and
c) 接收並向合作寺院與尼寺院轉帳供養和捐款(有關此服務的具體細節,請參閱寄送供養和捐款的條款); 以及

d) receiving, and transferring as appropriate, donations made in support of Gompa and the monasteries/nunneries (see terms for support of Gompa for specific details of this service).
d) 接收贊助支持法會網的捐款(有關此服務的具體細節,請參閱贊助支持法會網的條款)。

8.5 You have 30 days to change your mind in relation to the Diamond Path service.
8.5 您有30日的時間對金剛乘淨土契約服務進行調整(有關此服務的具體細節,請參閱金剛乘淨土契約服務條款)。

8.6 When you don’t have the right to change your mind. You do not have a right to change your mind in respect of:
8.6 您無權變更的情況。 以下情況您無權變更:

a) digital products after we have given you access to these; or
a) 我方授予您存取權限後的數位產品; 或者

b) services, once these have been initiated by us or our partners, even if the cancellation period is still running.
b) 服務,一旦由我方或我們的合作夥伴已開始執行這些服務,即使取消期限仍在。

8.7 Cancelling the contract where we are not at fault and there is no right to change your mind. Even if we are not at fault and you do not have a right to change your mind (see clause 8.1), you can still cancel the contract but you might not get a refund.
8.7 在我方無過失並且您無權變更的情況下取消合約。 即使我方無過失並且您無權變更(請參閱第 8.1 條),您仍可以取消合約,但可能無法獲得退款。

9. How to cancel the contract with us (including if you have changed your mind)
9. 如何取消與我方的合約(包括如若您已改變主意)

9.1 Tell us you want to cancel the contract. To cancel the contract with us, please let us know by:
9.1 通知我方您想取消合約。 欲取消與我方的合約,請透過下列渠道通知我方:

a) Email or telephone or another method. Email us at liaison[at]gompaservices.com or contact us using any method mentioned on the 'Contact us' page on our website. Please provide your name, sponsor ID number, and details of the order including the order number or tracking number.
a) 電子郵件或電話或其他方法。 請發送電子郵件至 liaison[at]gompaservices.com 或使用我們網站‘與我們聯繫’頁面上提到的任何方式與我們聯絡。 請提供您的姓名、功德主帳號以及訂單詳情,包括訂單編號或追踪編號。

9.2 How we will refund you. We will refund you the price you paid for the services, by the method you used for payment. However, in the case of the Diamond Path service, we may make deductions from the price you paid, as described in the terms for the Diamond Path service.
9.2 我方將如何退款給您。 我們將透過您用於支付的渠道退還您為服務支付的費用。 但對於金剛乘淨土契約服務,我方可能會從您已付的費用中扣除部分金額,如金剛乘淨土契約服務條款中所述。

9.3 When your refund will be made. We will make any refunds due to you as soon as possible. If you are exercising your right to change your mind then your refund will be made within 14 days of your telling us you have changed your mind.
9.3 您的退款何時處理。 我們將盡快處理您的退款。 如若您行使變更主意的權利,我方將在您通知我們您改變主意後14日內退款。

10. Our rights to cancel the contract)
10. 我方取消合約的權利

10.1 We may end the contract if you break it. We may end the contract for a service at any time by writing to you if:
10.1 如若您違反合約,我方可以終止合約。 如若出現下列情況,我方可以隨時書信通知您終止服務合約:

a) you do not make any payment to us when it is due;
a) 您未在截止日期前向我方支付任何款項;

b) you do not, within a reasonable time of us asking for it, provide us with information that is necessary for us to provide the services, for example, your name and contact details; or
b) 您沒有在我方要求的合理時間內向我們提供所需的信息,例如您的姓名和聯絡方式; 或者

c) you commit any material breach of these terms.
c) 您嚴重違反這些條款。

11. If there is a problem with the product. 11.如若產品有問題。

How to tell us about problems. If you have any questions or complaints about the service, please contact us. You can write to us at liaison[at]gompaservices.com or contact us using one of the methods mentioned on the 'Contact us' page of our website.
有問題該如何通知我方。 如若您對服務項目有任何疑問或投訴,請與我們聯絡。 您可以透過 liaison[at]gompaservices.com 通知我方,或使用我們網站‘與我們聯繫’頁面上提到的方式之一與我們聯絡。

12. Price and payment

12.1 Where to find the price for the service. Where applicable, the price of the service (which includes VAT if applicable) will be the price indicated, in British Pounds Sterling (GBP), on the order pages when you placed your order. We take all reasonable care to ensure that the price in GBP of the product advised to you is correct. However please see clause 12.3 for what happens if we discover an error in the price of the service you order.
12.1 何處可以查閱服務價格。 在適用的情況下,服務價格(包括增值稅,如果適用)將是您下訂單時訂單頁面上顯示的價格,以英鎊 (GBP) 為單位。 我們採取一切合理措施確保向您推薦產品的英鎊價格是正確的。 然而,如若我方發現您訂購的服務價格有誤,請參閱第 12.3 條以了解會發生的情況。

12.2 If you order services through our site which are determined by a non UK government authority to be subject to import duties and/or taxes you will be responsible for payment of any such import duties and/or taxes. Please note that we have no control over these charges and cannot predict their amount. Please contact your local customs office or taxing authority for further information before placing your order.
12.2 如若您透過我們的網站訂購的服務被非英國政府機構認定需繳納進口關稅和/或稅金,您將負責支付任何此類進口關稅和/或稅金。 請注意,我方無法控制這些費用也無法預測其金額。 下訂單前,請向您所在地的海關或稅務機關查詢相關資訊。

12.3 What happens if we got the price wrong. It is always possible that, despite our best efforts, some of the services we offer may be incorrectly priced. We will normally check prices before accepting your order so that, where the service’s correct price at your order date is less than our stated price at your order date, we will charge the lower amount. If the service’s correct price at your order date is higher than the price stated to you, we will contact you for your instructions before we accept your order.
12.3 如若我方價格出錯將如何處理。 儘管我們會盡最大努力,但某些我方提供的服務仍有可能錯定價格。 我們通常會在接受您的訂單之前檢查價格,因此,如若在您下單日期該服務的正確價格低於我方在您下單日期的規定價格,我們將收取較低的金額。 如若您下單之日該服務的正確價格高於向您說明的價格,我們將在接受您的訂單之前與您聯繫確認。

12.4 When you must pay and how you must pay. We accept online payment with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Diners) or a debit card (MasterCard Debit, V PAY, VISA debit). For payments of GBP £500 or more there is the option of paying by credit card, by debit card, or by bank transfer. When you must pay depends on what product you are buying:
12.4 您何時必須付款以及如何支付。 我方接受信用卡(Visa、MasterCard、JCB、Diners)或金融卡(MasterCard Debit、V PAY、VISA debit)線上付款。 對於 500 英鎊或以上的付款,可以選擇透過信用卡、金融卡或銀行轉帳付款。 何時必須付款取決於您購買的產品:

a) For digital content, you must pay for the products before you receive access to view, stream or download them.
a) 對於數位內容,您必須先支付產品費用,然後才能獲得檢視、串流或下載的權限。

b) For services, you must make full payment in advance (with the exception of the Diamond Path service under certain conditions; see terms for the Diamond Path service for details). No payment will be effective until funds have cleared into our account.
b) 對於各項服務,您必須提前全額付款(特定條件下的金剛乘淨土契約服務除外;詳情請參閱金剛乘淨土契約服務條款)。 在資金匯入我方帳戶之前,任何付款都不會生效。

12.5 Payment in other currencies. As mentioned in clause 12.1, all prices are indicated in Pounds Sterling (GBP). Amounts due can be paid in GBP. Alternatively, in some cases (but not all) payment can be paid in the following currencies: Euros (EUR), US Dollars (USD), Canadian Dollars (CAD), Hong Kong Dollars (HKD), Singapore Dollars (SGD), Taiwan New Dollars (TWD), Australian Dollars (AUD), Japanese Yen (JPY). We will display the total cost in GBP and also in your preferred currency (if selected and applicable) prior to payment. For totals in a currency other than GBP, the total payment amount will be calculated using a currency conversion rate determined by us. The total payment amount in a currency other than GBP is subject to exchange rate fluctuations until paid.
12.5 以其他貨幣支付。 如第 12.1 條所述,所有價格均以英鎊 (GBP) 表示。 應付金額可以用英鎊支付。 或者,在某些情況下(但不是全部)可以使用以下貨幣支付:歐元 (EUR)、美元 (USD)、加幣 (CAD)、港幣 (HKD)、新加坡元 (SGD)、新台幣(TWD)、澳幣(AUD)、日圓(JPY)。 付款前,我們將以英鎊以及您的首選貨幣(如若已選定且適用)顯示總額。 對於英鎊以外的貨幣總額,將使用我方決定的貨幣兌換率計算。 以英鎊以外的貨幣支付的總金額在支付前可能會受到匯率波動的影響。

12.6 If the payment method you use settles in a currency other than the currency used for making payment, your card provider or bank will determine the exchange rate and may add an additional processing or administration charge which you will be liable to pay.

13. Our responsibility for loss or damage suffered by you
13. 我方對您所遭受的損失或損害的責任

13.1 We are responsible to you for foreseeable loss and damage caused by us. If we fail to comply with these terms, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breaking this contract or our failing to use reasonable care and skill, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time the contract was made, both we and you knew it might happen, for example, if you discussed it with us during the sales process.
13.1 我方對因我們造成可預見的損失和損害向您負責。 如若我方未能遵守這些條款,我方將對您因我們違反本合約或我們未能合理的謹慎照顧和使用技術而遭受可預見的損失或損害負責,但我方對不可預見的任何損失或損害不承擔責任。 如果損失或損壞明顯會發生,或者在簽訂合約時雙方都知道它可能會發生,例如,您在協商過程中已經與我們討論過的,則損失或損壞是可預見的。

13.2 We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; for breach of your legal rights in relation to the products; and for defective products under the Consumer Protection Act 1987.
13.2 我方不會以任何方式排除或限制我方對您的責任,此種行為是違法的。 這包括因我方或我們的員工、代理商或分包商的疏忽而造成的死亡或人身傷害的責任; 欺詐或欺詐性不實陳述; 侵害您與產品相關的合法權利; 以及《1987 年消費者保護法》下的瑕疵產品。

13.3 We may provide links on our website to the websites of other companies, whether affiliated with us or not. We cannot give any undertaking that products or services you purchase from companies to whose website we have provided a link on our site will be of satisfactory quality.
13.3 我方可能會在我們的網站上提供其他公司網站的鏈接,無論是否與我們有關聯。 我們無法保證您從我們網站上提供連結的公司購買的產品或服務品質令人滿意。

14. How we may use your personal information

14.1 How we will use your personal information. We will use the personal information you provide to us:
14.1 我們將如何使用您的個資。 我們將使用您提供給我們的個人資訊:

a) to supply the services and provisional gratis benefits / access to gratis facilities to you;
a) 提供您服務和使用臨時免費福利/免費設施;

b) to process your payments for the services and/or your donations; and
b) 處理您所下單服務的付款和/或您的捐款; 以及

c) if you agreed to this during the order process or in your account preferences, to give you information about similar products that we provide, but you may stop receiving this at any time by contacting us or changing your account preferences.
c) 如若您在訂購過程中或在您帳戶的首選中同意如此,則會向您提供有關我們所提供類似產品的信息,但您可以聯絡我們或更改您的帳戶首選隨時停止接收此資訊。

14.2 We will only give your personal information to third parties where the law either requires or allows us to do so.
14.2 我方只會在法律要求或允許的情況下向第三方提供您的個人資訊。

15. Intellectual Property Rights
15. 智慧財產權

15.1 We reserve the right to retain all original recordings and photographs.
15.1 我方保留所有原始影音和照片的權利

15.2 All recordings and photographs and all and any intellectual property rights in them remain at all times the property of Tibetan Monastery Services Ltd. You are granted a non-exclusive licence to view the recordings and photographs in accordance with the order confirmation, any other written communications we send you and our website. This licence is personal to you and is not transferable to any other person.
15.2 所有影音和照片以及其中的所有和任何智慧財產權始終屬於法會網—西藏寺院服務有限公司的財產。您被授予非獨佔許可,可以根據訂單確認、我們發送給您的任何其他書面通知,以及我們的網站查看影音和照片。該許可證只屬於您個人,不得轉讓給任何其他人。

15.3 All third-party materials in whatsoever media formats we may provide you access to these, and all and any intellectual property rights in them remain at all times the property of said third party. You are granted a non-exclusive licence to view and use these materials in accordance with the order confirmation, any other written communications we send you and our website. This licence is personal to you and is not transferable to any other person.
15.3 我方可能向您提供任何媒體格式的所有第三方資料,以及其中的所有和任何智慧財產權始終屬於該第三方的財產。 您被授予非獨佔許可,可以根據訂單確認、我方給您和我們的網站發送的任何其他書面通知來查看和使用這些材料。該許可只屬於您個人,不得轉讓給任何其他人。

15.4 Any unauthorised use of any recordings and photographs and/or third-party materials, including but not limited to:
15.4 任何未經授權使用任何影音、照片和/或第三方資料的行為,包括但不限於:

a) uploading to the internet, broadcast or public performance,
a) 上傳到網路、廣播或公開播放,

b) publishing or re-distributing,
b) 出版或再分發,

c) re-selling or renting,
c) 轉售或出租,

d) saving or copying,
d) 儲存或複製

of any recording or photographs and/or third-party materials or any part thereof by any person is strictly prohibited. Viewing, sharing and downloading of photographs and recordings and/or third-party materials must be strictly in accordance with the order confirmation, any other written communication we send you and our website.
嚴禁任何人使用任何影音或照片和/或第三方資料或其任何部分。 查看、分享和下載照片和影音和/或第三方資料必須嚴格遵守訂單確認、我方和我們的網站給您發送的任何其他書面通知。

15.5 To protect the privacy and dignity of the subjects in the recordings and photographs, you must not edit, copy, display, broadcast or distribute the recordings or photographs, or portions thereof, in a manner that could cause offense to the subjects in those recordings or photographs. You must also take reasonable precautions to prevent other persons from misusing the recordings or photographs, or portions thereof, in a manner that could cause offense.
15.5 為保護影音和照片中人物的隱私和尊嚴,您不得以可能冒犯這些影音中人物的方式編輯、複製、展示、播出或分發影音或照片或其部分內容。 您還必須採取合理的預防措施,防止其他人以可能引起冒犯的方式濫用影音或照片或其部分。

15.6 You must not (and you must not attempt to, or allow any other person to or attempt to) copy, edit, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or modify any photograph or recording, or incorporate it or attach it to any other item.
15.6 您不得(且您不得試圖或允許任何其他人試圖)複製、編輯、改編、反向工程、反編譯、反彙編或修改任何照片或影音,或將其合併或附加到任何其他項目中

16. Other important terms

16.1 Service availability. Our services are available internationally; however, we reserve the right to exclude certain countries/territories from time to time. We follow the guidelines of HM Treasury in the United Kingdom and the Council of the European Union with regard to countries/territories on which financial sanctions are imposed.
16.1 服務可用性。 我們的服務面向全球; 然而,我們保留不時排除某些國家/地區的權利。 對於受到金融制裁的國家/地區,我們遵循英國財政部和歐盟理事會的指導方針。

16.2 Access to, or use of, this website or information, materials, products and/or services on this website may be prohibited by law in certain countries or jurisdictions. You are responsible for compliance with any applicable laws of the country from which you are accessing this website. We make no representation that the information contained herein is appropriate or available for use in all locations internationally.
16.2 某些國家或司法管轄區的法律可能禁止存取或使用本網站或本網站上的資訊、資料、產品和/或服務。 您有責任遵守您造訪本網站所在國家/地區的任何適用法律。 我們不保證此處包含的資訊在全球各地都適用。

16.3 Your status. By placing an order for a service or services through our website you confirm that:
16.3 您的身分。 透過在我們的網站訂購一項或多項服務,您確認:

a) you are legally capable of entering into binding contracts;
a) 您在法律上有能力簽訂具約束力的合約;

b) you are at least 18 years old;
b) 您已年滿18歲;

c) you are not resident in a country/territory excluded under clause 16.1;
c) 您不是第16.1條所排除的國家/地區的居民;

d) you are not accessing our site from a country/territory excluded under clause 16.1 or clause 16.2; and
d) 您不是從第16.1條或第16.2條排除的國家/地區造訪我們的網站; 且

e) you have authority to make payments to us using the card details provided.
e) 您有權使用所提供的銀行卡詳細資料向我方付款。

16.4 Correspondence will be sent via email. We will correspond with you via email using the email address of the person(s) listed in our records as the correspondent. It is your responsibility to update your account details if your contact details change.
16.4 通知將透過電子郵件發送。 我方將使用我們記錄中列出聯絡人(們)的電子郵件地址與您聯絡。 如若您的聯絡資訊發生變化,您有責任更新您帳戶的詳細資訊。

16.5 We may transfer this Agreement to someone else. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the contract.
16.5 我方可以將本協議轉讓給他人。 我方可能會將這些條款下的權利和義務轉移給另一個組織。 如若發生此種情況,我們將會以書面形式告知您,並將確保此轉移不會影響您在合約中的權利。

16.6 You cannot transfer your rights to someone else. Except as indicated in your order confirmation, the service is personal to you and cannot be shared or transferred to anybody else.
16.6 您無法將您的權利轉讓給他人。 除非您的訂單確認中另有說明,否則該服務僅供您個人使用,不能共享或轉讓給任何其他人。

16.7 Nobody else has any rights under this contract. This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.
16.7 其他人均不享有本合約中的任何權利。 本合約只存在您我之間。 任何其他人均無權執行其任何條款。

16.8 If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
16.8 若法院認定本合約的部分內容違法,其餘部分將繼續有效。 這些條款的每個段落均單獨運作。 如若任何法院或相關機構判定其中任何段落不具法律效力,則其餘段落將仍然完全有效。

16.9 Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the products, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.
16.9 即使我方延遲執行本合約,我們仍然可以稍後執行。 如若我方沒有立即堅持要求您執行這些條款要求您執行的任何操作,或者如若我方就您違反本合約的行為暫緩對您採取措施,這並不意味著您不必執行這些操作,並且這不能阻止我方日後對您採取措施。 例如,如若您錯過付款,雖我方沒有催促您,但仍繼續提供產品,我方仍然可以要求您稍後付款。

16.10 Which laws apply to this contract and where you may bring legal proceedings. These terms are governed by English law and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the products in the English courts. If you live in Scotland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the products in either the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the products in either the Northern Irish or the English courts. We reserve the right to bring legal proceedings in any jurisdiction where we believe that breach of this agreement is taking place or originating.
16.10 哪些法律適用於本合約以及您可以在何處提起法律訴訟。 這些條款受英國法律管轄,您可以在英國法院就產品提起法律訴訟。 如若您居住在蘇格蘭,您可以在蘇格蘭或英國法院就產品提起法律訴訟。 如若您居住在北愛爾蘭,您可以在北愛爾蘭或英國法院就產品提起法律訴訟。 我方保留在任何我們認為發生或起源違反本協議的司法管轄區提起法律訴訟的權利。

The Model Cancellation Form, below, is provided per consumer law requirement.

Model Cancellation Form
(Complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

To Tibetan Monastery Services Limited a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 01756218 and our registered office is at Cooper House, Lower Charlton Estate, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5QE
致法會網—西藏寺院服務有限,一家在英格蘭和威爾斯註冊的公司。 我們的公司註冊號碼是 01756218,註冊辦事處位於 Cooper House, Lower Charlton Estate, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5QE

I hereby give notice that I cancel my contract of sale for the supply of the following service:

Order number/tracking number/plan number {*}:
訂單序號/追蹤編號/計劃編號 {*}:

Ordered on:

Sponsor ID number:

Name of consumer:

Email address of consumer:


{*} Delete as appropriate