Terms for the Diamond Path Service
1. The Service
1.1 This service is referred to on the homepage of our site as ‘the special Diamond Path service’.
1.1 本服務在我們網站的首頁上被稱為‘金剛乘淨土契約’。1.2 You can prearrange for chosen sacred rituals, prayers and practices to be performed at a monastery/nunnery in India or Nepal for you or your loved one at the time of death.
1.2 您可在印度或尼泊爾的寺院/尼寺院,預先為您或所愛之人在離世時安排選定的莊嚴儀式、祈願和修法。1.3 This service will become available soon, at which time the Terms and Conditions relating to this service will be added here.
1.3 本服務即將推出,屆時將在此新增與本服務相關的條款及細則。