Terms for Access to Teachings and Special Event Webcasts in the Library
1. The Facility
1.1 This facility is referred to on our site as ‘Gompa's extensive library of courses and teachings’ (Also, as 'Gompa Library', 'library of teachings' and 'library of past courses and teachings'.)
1.1 該設施在我們的網站上被稱為‘法會網影音典藏’(也稱為‘法會網圖書館’、‘傳法典藏’和‘過去課程和傳法典藏’。)1.2 This facility provides on-demand access to past event webcasts, for online viewing and/or for making offerings and donations (with dedications).
1.2 本設施提供對過去活動影音檔的按需使用,以供線上觀看和/或進行供養和捐贈(包括迴向)。1.3 This facility may be offered, from time to time on a provisional basis, to current member supporters and other account holders.
1.3 此便利可能會不定期臨時提供給現有贊助會員和其他帳戶持有者。1.4 We will make all reasonable efforts to deliver any donations in a timely manner and to provide you with a donation acknowledgement, either sent to your email address as an email attachment or provided via online access for viewing and download.
1.4 我方將盡一切合理努力及時交付任何捐贈,並向您提供捐贈確認書,該確認書可經由電子郵件附件發送給您,也可以在線上查看和下載。1.5 Please refer to general terms for the payment terms.
1.5 支付條款請參閱一般條款。
2. Viewing the Webcasts
2. 觀看線上直播
2.1 We will try to give reasonable guidance and assistance but we do not accept any responsibility for your ability to view the webcasts.
2.1 我們將盡力提供合理的指導和協助,但對您觀看線上直播的能力我方無法承擔任何責任。