Terms for Provision of Online Viewing of Teachings and Special Events
1. The Services
1.1 These services are referred to on the homepage of our site as ‘Participate in year-round Special Events’ and ‘View year-round courses and teachings’.
1.1 這些服務在我們網站的首頁上被稱為‘參與全年特別活動’和‘查看全年課程與傳法’。1.2 Subject to clause 1.3 below, you can register to participate in and/or view online teachings and special events at locations in India or Nepal, and internationally, and optionally make offerings or donations (with dedications) in respect of these teaching and special events.
1.2 根據下文第1.3條,您可以註冊參與和/或觀看印度或尼泊爾以及世界各地的線上教學和特別活動,並可選擇贊助(附加迴向)或供養這些教學和特別活動。1.3 Some of the teachings and special events are available only to current member-supporters (see terms of support of Gompa for more details). Note also that some of the special events at the partner monasteries and nunneries in India and Nepal will not be webcast.
1.3 有些教學和特別活動僅適用於目前的贊助會員(更多詳情請參閱贊助法會網的條款)。 另請注意,印度和尼泊爾的合作寺院和尼寺院的一些特別活動將不會進行線上直播。1.4 We will make all reasonable efforts to deliver any donations in a timely manner and to provide you with a donation acknowledgement, either sent to your email address as an email attachment or provided via online access for viewing and download.
1.4 我們將盡一切合理努力及時交付任何捐贈,並向您提供捐贈確認書,該確認書可經由電子郵件附件發送給您,也可以在線上查看和下載。
2. Payment
2.1 Payment for these services can be accepted starting from the day the teaching or special event opens for registration (typically 7 to 21 days prior to the start date of the event) up until the payment deadline.
2.1 這些服務的支付可從教學或特殊活動開放註冊之日(通常為活動開始日期前7至21日)起,直至付款截止日止。2.2 Please refer to general terms for the payment terms.
2.2 付款條件請參閱一般條款。
3. Viewing the webcast
3.1 Upon finalising you registration for the teaching or special event webcast, we will send an email to you which will set out:
3.1 在您註冊完教學或特別活動的線上直播後,我們將會給您發送一封電子郵件,其中將列出:a) details of the event webcast for which you have registered;
a) 您所註冊活動線上直播的詳情;b) any offerings or donations you are making;
b) 您所做的任何供養或捐贈;c) our fee for recording and providing online access to the teaching or special event webcast (including the VAT levied if applicable);
c) 我方錄製和提供線上使用教學或特別活動線上直播的費用(包括徵收的增值稅,如適用);d) the date on which the webcast is scheduled to begin;
d) 線上直播預定開始的日期;e) instructions on how to access the webcast;
e) 如何使用線上直播的說明;f) notice of restrictions on the number of times the webcast may be viewed and by whom it may be accessed or viewed.
f)線上直播可觀看人次限制的注意事項。3.2 We will use our reasonable endeavours to make the webcast available to view online on the same day(s) as it is recorded, but this may not always be possible.
3.2 我們將盡合理努力讓線上直播在錄製當日可供觀看,但這可能並不總是可行。3.3 We will try to give reasonable guidance and assistance but we do not accept any responsibility for your ability to view the webcast.
3.3 我們將盡力提供合理的指導和協助,但對您觀看線上直播的能力我方無法承擔任何責任。3.4 The webcast will be available to view online via our website until its listed expiration date. We may, at our sole discretion, extend this period, which may be subject to payment by you of an additional payment to be agreed between us and you in advance.
3.4 在列出的到期日之前,您可以在我們的網站觀看線上直播的影音檔。 我方可以自行決定延長此期限,但可能需要您支付雙方事先商定的額外費用。