We are pleased to share photos taken by Gaden Shartse monastery, Mundgod, Karnataka, India.
Event ID: 3629
Event type:
Brief description: This ‘Extensive Series of Special Practices’ is especially dedicated to the stable health and long life of H.H. the Dalai Lama and the other great masters of all traditions, to the flourishing of the Dharma and world peace, and to the well-being of all sentient beings and all sangha members, supporters, and benefactors. You are cordially invited to participate.
Event details: The practices to be performed will include:
February 1st: Usnisavijaya Long-life Ritual (Namgyal Tse-chog).
February 2nd: The Sixteen Arhats Ritual (Neyten Chag-choe).
February 3rd: Four Hundred Offerings Ritual (Gyab-shi).
February 4th: Ritual of Dispelling Hindrances (Maras) through the Heart Sutra (Sher-nying Due-dok).
February 5th: Tara Ritual (Dol-chog) and Sixty-Four Part Torma Offerings Ritual (Drug-chuma).
February 6th: Guru Puja (Lama Choepa) and Recitation of the Five Aspiration Prayers (Monlam Nam-nga).
February 7th: Ceremonial Feast Offering on the auspicious 10th day of the Tibetan lunar month (Tse-chu Tsog).
February 8th: Tara Ritual (Dol-chog) and Propitiation Ritual of the Dharma Protectors (Kangso).
February 9th: Monthly Propitiation Ritual of the Dharma Protectors (Dha-Kang).
February 11th: Ritual of Dispelling Hindrances (Maras) through the Heart Sutra (Sher-nying Due-dok).
February 12th: Extensive series of the monastery’s regular prayers and pujas in praise of all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, great Nalanda masters, and revered Gurus on the auspicious occasion of Choe-chu Du-sang.
February 14th: One Thousand Offerings to Manjushri (Jam-pel Tong-choe) and the Recitation of the Sarasvati Aspiration Prayer (Yang-chen Monlam).
February 15th: Thirteen-deity Vajrabhairava (Yamantaka) Self-Initiation Ritual (Jig-je Dhak-juk).
February 16th: Satisfying and Restoring Protector Ritual of the Five Great Protectors (Vajrabhairava, Mahakala, Dharmaraja, Palden Lhamo and Vaisravana).
February 27th: Ritual of Dispelling Hindrances (Maras) through the Heart Sutra (Sher-nying Due-dok) on the last day of the Tibetan lunar year.
There is no webcast for this event. Gompa member-supporters are invited to register for the event and to send offerings, together with dedications, at any time up until February 27th, 2025.
We apologise for the cancellation /postponement of this event. All paid registrations will be refunded, all pre-registrations have been cancelled.