Photos of Current Events

‘Annual Maha Vairochana (Kunrig) Drupchod’ on the Auspicious Occasion of Chotrul Duchen (Festival of Miracles)   |   07/03/202513/03/2025   |   Ngor Pal Ewam Chodan

This ongoing event is open for registration through 13 March 2025. You are cordially invited to participate by sending offerings and optional dedications.

We are pleased to share photos taken by Ngor Pal Ewam Chodan monastery, Manduwala, Dehradun, India.

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There are 6 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Thukje Chenpo Drupchen’ (Red Chenrezig Mahasadhana) on the Auspicious Occasion of Chotrul Duchen (Festival of Miracles)   |   08/03/202514/03/2025   |   Mindrolling

This ongoing event is open for registration through 14 March 2025. You are cordially invited to participate by sending offerings and optional dedications.

We are pleased to share photos taken by Mindrolling monastery, Dehradun, India.

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There are 6 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Taksham Yidam Gongdu Drubchen’ (Gathering of the Intention of all the Yidams and Deities, revealed by Taksham Nuden Dorje), presided over by H.E. Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche, on the Auspicious Occasion of Chotrul Duchen (Festival of Miracles)   |   09/03/202517/03/2025   |   Rigon Thupten Mindrolling

This ongoing event is open for registration through 17 March 2025. You are cordially invited to participate by sending offerings and optional dedications.

We are pleased to share photos taken by Rigon Thupten Mindrolling monastery, Orissa, India.

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There are 30 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Tsedrub Thab-shay Khajor’ (Amitayus Long Life Sadhana: The Union of Method and Wisdom)   |   07/03/202512/03/2025   |   Rumtek Monastery

We are pleased to share photos taken by Rumtek Monastery, Sikkim, India.

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There are 9 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Propitiation Ritual of the Dharma Protector Setrap’ (Kangso) with ‘Ceremonial Feast Offering’ (Tsog)   |   28/02/2025   |   Gaden Shartse

We are pleased to share photos taken at Gaden Shartse monastery, Mundgod, Karnataka, India.

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There are 21 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Gutor Puja’ by way of the ‘Great Annual Vajrabhairava (Dorje Jig-je) Drupchod’ from February 19th to 27th, and the ‘Prayer and Torma Offering Ritual to Palden Lhamo’ (Lhamo Tse-tor) on February 28th   |   19/02/202528/02/2025   |   Chuwar Dophen Ling

We are pleased to share photos taken by Chuwar Dophen Ling monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal.

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There are 8 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Garchen Gutor Chenmo’ by the way of the ‘Extensive Mahakala (Gonpo) Ritual’   |   19/02/202528/02/2025   |   Rumtek Monastery

We are pleased to share photos taken by Rumtek Monastery, Sikkim, India.

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There are 101 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Mahakala (Gonpo) Gutor Puja’   |   20/02/202528/02/2025   |   Thrangu Tashi Choling

We are pleased to share photos taken by Thrangu Tashi Choling monastery, Boudha, Kathmandu, Nepal.

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There are 33 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Gutor Puja’ by way of the ‘Propitiation Ritual of the Dharma Protectors’ from February 25th to 27th, and a ‘Guru Puja with Ceremonial Feast Offering’ (Lama Choepa Tsog) on February 28th   |   25/02/202528/02/2025   |   Gosok Phuntsok Choeling

We are pleased to share photos taken by Gosok Phuntsok Choeling Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal.

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There are 36 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Lion-Faced Dakini Obstacles Repelling Ritual through Torma Offering’ (Sang-dhong-may Tordok)   |   25/02/202527/02/2025   |   Gaden Jamling Serkong Monastery

We are pleased to share photos taken by Gaden Jamling Serkong Monastery, Swayambhu, Nepal.

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There are 7 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Night-long Prayers and Offerings to Palden Lhamo’ (Lhamo Tsen-tsok)   |   27/02/2025   |   Gaden Jangtse

We are pleased to share photos taken at Gaden Jangtse monastery, Mundgod, Karnataka, India.

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There are 35 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Extensive Series of Special Practices’   |   01/02/202527/02/2025   |   Gaden Shartse

We are pleased to share photos taken by Gaden Shartse monastery, Mundgod, Karnataka, India.

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There are 11 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Gutor Puja’ by way of the ‘Mahakala Torma Offering Ritual’   |   20/02/202527/02/2025   |   Gongkar Choede

We are pleased to share photos taken by Gongkar Choede monastery, Dehradun, India.

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There are 8 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Obstacle Dispelling Tara Ritual’ (Dolma Yul-dok)   |   21/02/202527/02/2025   |   Sakya Tharig

We are pleased to share photos taken by Sakya Tharig monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal.

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There are 14 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Vajrakilaya (Phurba) Gutor Puja’, presided over by H.H. the Sakya Gongma Trichen Rinpoche, H.H. the 42nd Sakya Trizin Ratna Vajra Rinpoche, and H.H. the 43rd Sakya Trizin Gyana Vajra Rinpoche   |   21/02/202527/02/2025   |   Sakya Centre

We are pleased to share photos taken by Sakya Centre, Dehradun, India.

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There are 10 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Gutor Puja’ by way of the ‘Torma Offering Ritual of Vajrabhairava’ (Jig-je Tor-drup)   |   25/02/202527/02/2025   |   Jonang Takten Phuntsok Choeling

We are pleased to share photos taken by Jonang Takten Phuntsok Choeling monastery, Shimla, India.

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There are 28 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Gutor Puja’ by way of the ‘Extensive Propitiation Ritual of the Dharma Protectors’ (Kangso Geypa), together with the ‘Obstacles Repelling Ritual through Sixty Torma Offerings’ (Drug-chuma Tor-dok)   |   25/02/202527/02/2025   |   Samtenling

We are pleased to share photos taken by Samtenling monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal.

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There are 15 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Gutor Puja’ by way of the ‘Torma Offering Ritual of the Wrathful Trowa and Phurba Deities’   |   25/02/202527/02/2025   |   Menri

We are pleased to share photos taken by Menri monastery, Dolanji, Himachal Pradesh, India.

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There are 15 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Gutor Puja’ by way of the ‘Yamantaka Obstacles Repelling Ritual through Torma Offering’ (Shin-je Dreg-jom Kyi Tordok)   |   19/02/202527/02/2025   |   Mindrolling

We are pleased to share photos taken by Mindrolling monastery, Dehradun, India.

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There are 14 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Vajrakilaya (Dorje Shonu) Gutor Puja’   |   19/02/202527/02/2025   |   Pema Tsal Sakya Monastic Institute

We are pleased to share photos taken by Pema Tsal Sakya Monastic Institute, Pokhara, Nepal.

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There are 17 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Gutor Puja’ by way of the ‘Grand Propitiation Ritual of Dharma Protectors’ (Kangso Chenmo)   |   25/02/202527/02/2025   |   Sed Gyued

We are pleased to share photos taken by Sed-Gyued monastery, Salugara, West Bengal, India.

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There are 12 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Gutor Puja’ by way of the ‘Propitiation and Torma Offering to the Dharma Protectors’   |   24/02/202527/02/2025   |   Sera Mey

We are pleased to share photos taken by Sera Mey monastery, Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India.

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There are 31 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Gutor Puja’ by way of the ‘Propitiation Ritual of the Two-Armed Black Cloaked Mahakala’ (Gonpo Bernag-chen Gyi Kangso)   |   19/02/202527/02/2025   |   Pullahari

We are pleased to share photos taken by Pullahari monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal.

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There are 11 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Gutor Puja’ by way of the ‘Propitiation and Torma Offering Ritual to the Whole Community of Dharma Protectors’   |   23/02/202527/02/2025   |   Tashi Lhunpo

We are pleased to share the photos taken by Tashi Lhunpo monastery, Bylakuppe, Mysore, India.

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There are 11 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Yamantaka Obstacles Repelling Ritual through Torma Offering’ (Dor-je Jig-je Tor-dok), presided over by H.E. Dezhung Tulku Rinpoche   |   23/02/202527/02/2025   |   Tharlam

We are pleased to share photos taken by Tharlam monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal.

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There are 10 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Mahakala (Gonpo) Gutor Puja’   |   19/02/202527/02/2025   |   Thrangu Tara Abbey Nunnery

We are pleased to share photos taken by Thrangu Tara Abbey Nunnery, Kathmandu, Nepal.

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There are 14 photos in the gallery for this event

‘Annual Grand Gutor Puja’ by way of the ‘Propitiation and Torma Offering Ritual of Thirteen-deity Vajrabhairava and the Five Great Protectors’   |   23/02/202525/02/2025   |   Dzongkar Choede

We are pleased to share photos taken by Dzongkar Choede monastery, Hunsur, Mysore, India.

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There are 40 photos in the gallery for this event