Create a Free Gompa Visitor Account
Create a Free Gompa Visitor Account
To create your free Gompa visitor account select here.
A Gompa visitor account gives you access to the 'Sponsor Prayers and Pujas' service at the partner monasteries and nunneries and also gives you access to occasional free webcasts of current and past teaching and special events. (Free webcasts and replays are titled as 'free' or 'sponsored' on the Gompa site).
Alternatively, we invite you to join Gompa as a member-supporter and receive the following benefits*
- Access to Gompa's free servive for sending offerings and donations (with optional dedicatons) to the partner monateries and nunneries
- Access to year-round courses and teachings and year-round special events at the partner monasteries and nunneries.
- No booking fees when arranging personally sponsored prayers and pujas at the partner monasteries and nunneries.
- Continuous access to Gompa's extensive library of courses and teachings by eminent lamas and senior teachers
To see the many benefits of joining Gompa as a member-supporter select here
(*see Terms and Conditions)