Terms for Arranging Sponsored Prayers and Rituals

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1. The Service

1.1 This service is referred to on the homepage of our site as ‘arrange for prayers and pujas to be performed’.

1.2 You can sponsor prayers and rituals to take place at a monastery/nunnery in India or Nepal and receive certification that the prayers and rituals were performed.

1.3 In some cases you will have the option (for an additional charge) to view the prayers and rituals which you requested online and/or download video recordings or photos documenting them.

2. Payment

2.1 In accordance with clause 3.1 of the terms and conditions, in the email in which we confirm your order, we will also confirm:

a) the scheduled start date for the prayers or ritual;

b) and an itemised breakdown of your payment to us for the following elements:

i. sponsorship to the monastery/nunnery;

ii. donations you are making;

iii. our fees, as applicable, for:

a) your booking

b) any special requests

c) photographing the ritual or prayers and providing access to photos

d) recording the ritual or prayers and providing access to the recording as a streamed and/or downloadable file;

iv. the amount of VAT levied on the fees (if applicable).

2.2 Unless waived in writing by us, we require payment for this service no less than four English working days prior to the schedule start date of the ritual performance, or, where specified, 4 English working days prior to the date on which preparation for the ritual is to begin.

2.3 When a request for prayers or rituals is made in an emergency, we will use our reasonable endeavours to schedule the requested rituals or prayers immediately upon receipt of payment. We reserve the right to charge an additional fee for emergency prayer or ritual requests, to be agreed between you and us.

3. Performance of Prayers/Rituals

3.1 Upon receipt of payment from you, we will send an email to you which will set out:

a) specific details of when the prayers or ritual will begin;

b) instructions of how to access the certificate to confirm the performance of the prayers or ritual; and

c) instructions of how to access the photos or video recording of the prayers or ritual (if you have requested this additional service), together with information about the number of times the recording may be accessed or viewed and by whom it may be accessed or viewed.

4. Recordings/photos of Prayers/Rituals

4.1 Provided that we have received the details from you that they need in order to do so, the monastery/nunnery will make a short personal introduction directly to you at the beginning of the recording.

4.2 We will use our reasonable endeavours to make the video recording and/or the photos of the ritual performance available to view online on the same day(s) as it is performed, but this may not always be possible.

4.3 The recording and/or photos will be available to view online (or download, if applicable) via our website for not less than 10 English working days after the day on which it is first made available. We may, at our sole discretion, extend this period which may be subject to payment by you of an additional payment to be agreed between us and you in advance.

4.4 We will try to give reasonable guidance and assistance but we do not accept any responsibility for your ability to view the recording, photos or certificate of ritual performance online.

5. Certificate of Ritual Performance

5.1 We will provide a copy of the certificate of ritual performance signed by the monastery/nunnery to your email address as an email attachment or we will provide online access to the certificate for viewing and download.