We are pleased to share photos taken at Gaden Jangtse monastery, Mundgod, Karnataka, India.
Event ID: 3530
Event type:
Brief description: The merits accumulated from participating in the Yangdup ritual are regarded as tremendous, not only in terms of generating material wealth but also for increasing health, longevity, and spiritual development. You are cordially invited to participate.
Event details: The Yangdup ritual is an elaborate prosperity and wealth summoning ceremony traditionally performed once a year at Gaden Jangtse monastery, which includes the prosperity rituals of Vaishravana (Nam-sey) and White Mahakala (Gon-kar). The rituals invoke the energies of the wealth deities to generate material resources, abundance, and prosperity.
There is no webcast for this event. Gompa member-supporters are invited to register for the event and to send offerings, together with dedications, at any time up until November 30th, 2024.
We apologise for the cancellation /postponement of this event. All paid registrations will be refunded, all pre-registrations have been cancelled.